Friday, 10 March 2017

Eco Friendly Breakfast Cereal

One of my bugbears is the amount of packaging that comes with shop bought products. Along with this I noticed that many of the prepackaged breakfast cereals that I had bought in the past were staying the same price but the pack sizes were shrinking - and an increasing number were using wheat to bulk out the product (thereby making it cheaper to produce). Although I don't have a problem with wheat I learned many years ago to limit the amount I eat and instead to include as many other grains as possible. Besides being very much in keeping with Macrobiotic principles this also ensures a more varied diet.
About a year ago I stated to explore making my own breakfast cereal and it wasn't that difficult to find this recipe more or less verbatim on Google. I've made a few changes to the original method and varied the ingredients slightly so  feel justified in posting this in my blog.
Although I keep meaning to work out the costings on the contents, so I can see if I am saving money, I haven't as yet done so. For me it the reward is knowing that I'm getting a delicious breakfast cereal (with no wheat added) and there is no pesky packing to sort and recycle.
This takes about 45 minutes to prepare and cook and it's a great way to use up any nuts and seeds that are knocking about in your store cupboard approaching their sell by date.

Eco Warriors Breakfast Cereal (vegan and sugar free version)
400 g porridge oats (I prefer the large type) - you can use any grain you like: barley, rice or millet or a mixture of all.
100g oatbran
50 g sunflower seeds
100g mixed copped nuts
75g desiccated coconut (if you like coconut the larger flakes make an interesting change)
25g sesame seeds
100ml of carob syrup
150ml of any unsweetened fruit juice of your choice (or you can use water)
150ml good cooking oil (I use grape seed or rice bran oil)
2.5ml (1/2 tsp) vanilla essence
2.5ml salt

Combine the first 7 ingredients in a large mixing bowl. Whisk together juice and oil, vanilla essence, carob syrup and salt – stir into dry ingredients and mix well to combine. Spread approximately half to one third  the mixture onto a large shallow baking tray and bake at 190c Gas mark 5 for 20-30 mins or till crisp and golden. Set the timer for 4 mins. Repeat 3 or 4 times or until the cereal looks golden brown (not burnt).
NB be sure to remove from oven to turn the mixture thoroughly to prevent the edges burning and to check the temperature of the oven throughout as it may need lowering if the cereal seems to be browning too fast. Repeat with the remainder.
You can do 2 trays together on separate shelves if you have the space and enough trays – be sure to stir or the edges will catch and burn. Once golden and toasted remove from tray and leave spread out in a cool place, a plate or another cold baking tray are ideal places to cool the cereal. Once cooled store in an airtight container. It keeps for at least 6 months.
You could use any grain that you like in this cereal - barley, buckwheat, millet or rye or a combination. I used roughly double the amount of seeds called for as I love them and sesame seeds are a great way to get calcium if you are vegan. I've used other seeds such as pumpkin and poppy seeds - just use what is in your cupboard - it will be yummy. Serve with your favourite topping but especially good with natural yoghourt and fresh fruit for added sweetness.

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